mom in the wilderness

Monday, November 1, 2021

My How We’ve Grown

 I  ❤️ my little family. We’ve grown in size and number since I’ve started Mom In The Wilderness. 

The five who I adore.

Me and the 2 youngest.


Saturday, October 15, 2016

A Birthday

A birthday for another four year old provided kids and adults with food, cake and gifts on a beautiful autumn day.

A princess cake and cup cakes.

The birthday girl.

Little sister thought it sure was delicious. 

Almost every gift was a princess theme.

The princess castle piñata took hit after hit from all the party goers.

Then everyone filled their bags with the best candy,

Happy Birthday Brooklyn!

To the Zoo

It's been four weeks of mawmaw daycare after the Louisiana Great Flood 2016. It's come to an end with pre-k/daycare school resuming on Monday,  after the school was flooded and now repaired and resuming classes.

It's sad and sweet. Sweet to see the kiddos grow in statue and learning and developing into their own little selves as they face their world at pre-k/daycare again. 

So to face my sadness to let them go back to their normalcy we took to the zoo for the day. 

All area kids have trickled back to school and their regular schedules since the flood, so the zoo wasn't crowded at all on a Thursday. The weather wasn't as hot in the mid morning and a little cool breeze came and went. The animals were mostly tucked away napping or eating their morning snack. 

The Tigers were the best on this day. Pacing front and center for us a close up view. 

It was a perfect look to go along with our LSU Tigers football weekend. 

Tigers and giraffes as always my favorite of zoo animals. 

Couldn't get enough of the tiger view. 

The giraffe was far away and wouldn't come see us. 

Time out for a snack. 

Back on the trail again. 

There were air conditioned exhibits for the snakes and aquarium exhibits. The petting zoo and playground was next. 

Water features peaked their interest. 

Making our way to the train station for a train ride thru the zoo. 

All aboard!! Waiting to pull out. 

Nice to sit and ride for a while and take in the scenery all through the zoo. ,

A trip to the souvenir shop was a must for me. Then loaded up and stopped for a late lunch. 

My readers can breathe a sigh of relief now. No more grand kiddos pictures for awhile. I have to find something else to do everyday. 

Thursday, August 4, 2016

First Day Pre-K4

Though summer is not over by a long shot, kids are back to school for a new year. I've always loved school supply shopping for myself when a student and for my own kids back to school years. I'm not allowed to buy supplies for the grandkids. I'm told because they have a list and they're all ready. I think it's because the parents are enjoying the back to school supply shopping.

I find myself in the school supply isles anyway, I just can't help myself. School supplies and office supplies. I'm obsessed. 

So I had my own shopping spree for back to school. 

The first day of school for our Pre-K 4 year old grand.  I was as excited as he was. His mom sent me pictures. 

This smile may change a little as the school year goes along. It's always exciting at first. But then all the newness wears off and it's not so exciting, 

He was non-stop talking when I talked to him on the phone after school. He likes school as much as I do!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

A Birthday Party

Happy Fourth Birthday to Cohen!
A four-year old birthday theme of beach balls and water slide full of sun, water, cake and presents and sliding all afternoon.

Almost everyone took advantage of the chance to get wet and cool off in the 100 degree temps. 

Then the birthday cake to share with all the guests. 

Singing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candles.

Opening presents is always fun.

And a lot of Teenage Ninja Turtles in the mix of gifts. 

Happy Birthday!! Four Years Old!

Time does go by so fast. Can't believe you're 4! I love watching you grow up. 

Friday, July 29, 2016

RVing on the 4th

Yogi Bear campground was our destination for the family 4th of July. Everything you expect on the 4th happened for us that weekend. Sun, water, food, and fireworks to name a few.

With temperatures reaching top of the nineties, we were glad to have pools and a splash pad to keep cool. 

With two large pools and a kiddie pool, everyday we headed for the water. Sliding was the best. We couldn't keep them away. 

Kids and adults took to the water like fish.

The pools were the highlight of every day. 

Snowballs were welcomed everyday, too, 
and chilling out at the RV site. 

And then fireworks for the 4th. Loud and colorful against the dusk sky. We made our way to the lake straight from the pool is why we're in swimsuits. 

It was by far the highlight of the weekend for me with a few hundred campers gathered at the lake at dusk saying the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag waving against the sky and singing National Anthem and firecrackers begin to pop and crackle and stream across the night sky. 

It was sweet to watch the little ones take it all in and I hope it's a tradition we can participate in every year.

It was a Happy 4th.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Cinderella Day

We came away with some titles at the Cinderella State Pageant. We didn't take home the Overall winner in their Divisions, but did get some of the top four titles. There were Overall Division Winner, Division Beauty, Division Photogenic, and Division Personality with competition in casual wear, party dress, and playtime.

It went quickly with a lot of competition. 

And also a little stressful in the hallway while waiting for group stage time. 

They did great and couldn't have looked any cuter. 

We came away with Brooklyn getting Cinderella Tiny Tot Photogenic and 3rd runner-up in Overall Tiny Tot.  And Brynlee bringing home Cinderella Baby Beauty and 1st runner-up in Overall Baby.

I've said before "I LOVE PAGEANTS". And so do they.

About Me

My photo
. . . happy life, happy wife, mom and maw-maw, a heart for family fur babies, a sister to many, a daughter, and a child of the King. I love outdoors and doing a little sewing, crafting and making a house a home.

Things I Like

  • Family, home, friends
  • Romantic, vintage stuff
  • Big Mac
  • Sewing, quilting, digital scrapbooking
  • Louisiana

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